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Divine Feminine Deities and the Season of Spirits: Oya, Lilith, and Hecate

Writer's picture: Kareca MooreKareca Moore

As the air grows cooler and the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds thins, we enter the Season of Spirits—a powerful time that begins with the Lunar Eclipse and peaks at Samhain on November 2nd. This sacred period, often called the Witch’s New Year, is when the energy of the unseen world is strongest, and the forces of transformation, death, and rebirth swirl around us. It’s a time for deep spiritual work, ancestor veneration, and connecting with powerful divine feminine figures who guide us through shadowy realms.

During this mystical season, three deities, in particular, make their presence felt: Oya, the Goddess of Storms; Lilith, the Mother of the Void; and Hecate, the Queen of Witches. These powerful feminine forces offer their unique gifts of transformation, wisdom, and healing to those willing to engage with their energy. Let’s explore their spiritual personalities, abilities, and how they interact with their devotees during this magical time.

Oya: The Goddess of Storms & Winds of Change

Oya is the Orisha of winds, storms, and transformation, revered within Yoruba spiritual traditions and the African Diaspora, particularly in Santeria and Hoodoo. Her very essence embodies the fierce power of change. Known as the “Warrior Goddess,” Oya is both a bringer of destruction and a creator of new beginnings. She governs the marketplace, cemeteries, and storms, which symbolize her dominion over the realms of life, death, and rebirth.

Spiritual Personality & Abilities

Oya’s energy is fiery, dynamic, and often unsettling, as she represents the winds of transformation that sweep through our lives. She does not shy away from destruction when necessary, for she knows that true growth often requires clearing away the old to make room for the new. Devotees often call upon Oya when they seek radical change, whether it’s to end toxic relationships, overcome obstacles, or find the courage to embrace their true selves.

Her ability to navigate between life and death makes her a powerful guide during the Season of Spirits. Oya can open the gates of the ancestral realm, helping us connect with those who have passed and receive their wisdom. In her storms, there is healing—she clears away stagnation, both in our external lives and within our spirits.

How She Interacts with Devotees

When working with Oya, expect swift, undeniable change. She often comes with a warning: be ready for upheaval. Yet, if you are willing to face the storm, she offers profound transformation. Oya rewards those who stand in their truth, making her an ideal ally during this time when we confront our shadows and seek personal growth.

Dark Moon Lilith: The Mother of the Void

Lilith, often misunderstood and demonized, is a primordial figure who represents uncompromising freedom, the dark feminine, and the untamed power of the void. In Jewish mythology, Lilith is known as Adam’s first wife, who refused to submit to him and chose exile over subservience. In modern spirituality, she is revered as a symbol of feminine empowerment, sexual liberation, and independence.

Spiritual Personality & Abilities

Lilith is the Mother of the Void, representing the dark moon and the mysterious, shadowy aspects of the feminine psyche. She is the embodiment of the wild woman archetype, unafraid to inhabit the darkness and demand autonomy. Her energy is raw, seductive, and fiercely protective of personal sovereignty.

Lilith’s spiritual abilities lie in her ability to guide us through our own shadow work. During the Season of Spirits, when the lunar eclipse reveals the hidden and the dark moon calls forth the shadow self, Lilith offers her guidance to those brave enough to confront their fears and traumas. She helps us embrace our primal instincts, heal from shame, and reclaim our power.

How She Interacts with Devotees

Lilith challenges her devotees to face the uncomfortable truths about themselves. She demands authenticity and will not tolerate self-deception or victimhood. When working with Lilith, expect to be confronted by your shadow, but also expect to emerge stronger, more whole, and more connected to your true essence. Lilith’s energy is both healing and liberating, encouraging women to reclaim their bodies, voices, and power. She is particularly active during the dark moon and the eclipse, making this the perfect time to invoke her for personal healing and empowerment.

Hecate: The Queen of Witches and Guardian of the Crossroads

Hecate is the Goddess of Magic, witchcraft, and the crossroads, often depicted as a triple goddess representing maiden, mother, and crone. In ancient Greek mythology, Hecate is the protector of the marginalized and those who walk the path of witchcraft. She rules over magic, the night, and the dead, and is often called upon by those seeking guidance in times of transition or spiritual awakening.

Spiritual Personality & Abilities

Hecate’s energy is wise, ancient, and deeply mystical. She stands at the crossroads of life, death, and rebirth, offering guidance to those at pivotal moments in their spiritual journeys. Her abilities as a guide are unmatched—Hecate can open doors to otherworldly realms, assist in deep divination, and provide protection during spirit work. She also holds the keys to the underworld, allowing her devotees to connect with their ancestors and gain insights from beyond the veil.

During the Season of Spirits, Hecate’s presence is especially potent. As the goddess who walks freely between worlds, she helps us navigate the thinning veil and unlock the mysteries of the unseen. Hecate is a powerful ally for witches, magicians, and spiritual seekers who want to deepen their practice and explore the darker, hidden realms of the spiritual world.

How She Interacts with Devotees

Hecate is often described as a mother figure to witches, providing wisdom, protection, and guidance. She is a patient teacher but will expect you to take responsibility for your spiritual path. When working with Hecate, expect profound dreams, vivid divination experiences, and an increased connection to the spirit world. She is an excellent deity to invoke during ritual work, particularly when seeking guidance or clarity at life’s crossroads.

The Season of Spirits: A Time for Deep Transformation

As we move from the Lunar Eclipse toward November 2nd, the Season of Spirits invites us to connect with these powerful divine feminine figures—Oya, Lilith, and Hecate—to guide us through our shadows and emerge transformed. This is a time for shedding the old, honoring our ancestors, and preparing ourselves for the new spiritual year.

By working with Oya, Lilith, and Hecate during this season, we can harness their transformative powers to clear obstacles, heal deep wounds, and gain the wisdom needed to navigate the path ahead. Their energy will challenge us, empower us, and ultimately help us become more aligned with our truest, most powerful selves.

Conclusion: Walking with the Divine Feminine

The Season of Spirits is an extraordinary time for spiritual growth and transformation. Oya, Lilith, and Hecate offer us their guidance and power, encouraging us to face our fears, embrace change, and walk boldly on our spiritual paths. By working with these divine feminine deities, we are reminded that the journey to healing is both profound and necessary, filled with challenges but also rich in rewards.

If you're ready to connect with the energy of these goddesses, now is the time to dive deep, do the work, and embrace the magic of the Season of Spirits.

Join us throughout October as we honor and rever each of these deities in deeply powerful spiritual rituals. Visit the website for more details.

~Ori Alchemy



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